Homeopathy Reconsidered: What Really Helps Patients

Critical questions, old and new, about homeopathy, and what mainstream medicine can learn from it. | Springer book explains what ‘really’ helps patients. Opinions on homeopathy are, and have always been, highly polarized: Avowed opponents face enthusiastic proponents – and their views are mostly incompatible. A new publication approaching the search for reconciliations of school… Continue reading Homeopathy Reconsidered: What Really Helps Patients

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Homeopathy demystified: Why it works for acute conditions and chronic disease

I first heard the term “homeopathy” when I began my private practice in medicine in the mid to late 1990s. Prior to that I was not at all familiar with homeopathy or many of the other complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) disciplines. They certainly weren’t taught or discussed at the medical school I had attended… Continue reading Homeopathy demystified: Why it works for acute conditions and chronic disease

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Harvard Study Has Good News for Homeopathic Medicine

The American Journal of Public Health has recently published a survey article out of Harvard that shows that homeopathic medicine, while still only used by a small fraction of the U.S. population, has jumped 15% in use. In addition, most users put homeopathy among the top 3 complementary and integrative strategies they use in their health care. The interest… Continue reading Harvard Study Has Good News for Homeopathic Medicine

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